Life is but a dream - a dream within a dream.

    Sunday, December 28, 2008


    SwishhhhhSwashhhh. My head is an empty shell. I don't know what to write about. I thought since i finally managed to sign into Blogger, I should take this opportunity and write something.

    So. How highhh does the Sicamore grow? If you cut it down then you'll neeeever know. And you'll neeever hear the wolf cry to the bluecorn moon or ask the grinning Bobcat why he grinsss.

    I think Human Nature is cool. And Il Divo.

    Lets discuss how indecisive I am. Take me to Easy Way or New Zealand icecream or basically anywhere that presents me with choices, the first thing I do is look at every one of my options 10 times over. Then, I force myself to eliminate at least half of the choices in my head. By this stage usually everyone's already begun ordering and im left standing there stressed and boggled. I start using my fingers to precisely point out what i have narrowed myself down to. Usually this forces me to pick a top 10 since I only have 10 fingers.

    My mind goes through a lot of debate and tries to make a pro/con list of each option. Eventually, after alot of peer pressure, I wouldve come down to a Top 3. Through the elimination process and the help of the pro/con list, I come up with a winner.

    The person at the counter asks 'What would you like?'. This question jolts a certain nerve in my brain which causes me to reconsider my winning choice all over again. I quickly start playing 'inny minny mynny moe' with my top 2 choices.

    I settle for option no.2.

    I'm going to get Sims 2. After playing it at Emily's house, it reignited my Sims obsession.

    Shame. It's going to be hot and rainy on NYE. If we're lucky maybe Milson's Point now has parks with see-through roofs.

    GIO we don't just listen, we do.
    1300 655 506
    Call the Reading Writing hotline

    Ame, ame, ame.
    They call me Stacy.
    They call me Jane.
    They call me quiet girl.
    But Im a Ri-ot.
    -or something like that.

    My name's Max. Maxwell Smart.

    Ive got an alarm system
    in my house
    so iii know when people are
    creepin about
    these people are freakin me out

    yes. This post was utterly pointless.

    1 comment:

    Slothie said...

    LOL omg you are so bored :D

    That post was really random o.0