Life is but a dream - a dream within a dream.

    Monday, November 10, 2008

    Formal jazz

    I lied, this post has nothing to do with the formal, it was just a means of gaining some attention. Im not finding the formal that big of a deal so personally, Im quite amused with the amount of effort some people are going through. But then, Im probably one of those people who are going to be hitting themselves later when im trying to organise everything in the last minute.

    I feel so dissapointed with myself cos I didnt even know that some of my friends were going to be leaving for a very long time. I only found out about Colleen leaving for Melbourne a couple weeks ago, and Jenny's year in China on the other day!! Sometimes i wish that i was more attentative to what was happening around me. I mean, you could probably lead me through streets after streets to nowhere before I would even notice that Ive no idea where I am. I space out way too much i think.

    On another note, ive added Danella's new blog to my links =) To the rest of the m7-ers, its time to join the revolution.

    Btw, due to the fact that im way too lazy to upload photos to make all this easier to read, ive just shoved in lines to separate it.
    I decided to celebrate my turning 18 by buying myself a lottery ticket on the day. Yes, pathetic i know, but its a better idea than the lady at the newsagency telling me to smoke and that if i didnt smoke, to buy a packet of cigarettes for someone who did.

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