Life is but a dream - a dream within a dream.

    Monday, July 28, 2008


    I'm starting to really hate myself for doing nothing in terms of schoolwork for the last few weeks. Im screwed for everything, maths and chem in particular.
    Im a procrastinator bigtime. I can sit and stare at a blank wall for 2hrs, analyse random little memories, dream of my brilliant future, and of course relentlessly punch myself for doing nothing all at the same time.

    Omg isnt it stressful when you think that perhaps your UAI could actually really affect your future. Like me, if i dont straight out get into Vet Science, i most probably will never be able to be a vet. My destiny will be changed. We all know that getting a good uai, in a way, is just a fasttrack into life. But maybe we should think that trying several different paths is a good experience and would eventually lead you to exactly where u were intended to be.

    I think i believe in destiny. I dont know if that makes life any more or less exciting. But yeh anway, like many others, i'm putting my blogging on hold and im shutting myself from the internet (after many hours wasted on googling dogs....).

    Goodbye happiness. I am surrending myself to the dark realm of study.

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