Life is but a dream - a dream within a dream.

    Friday, December 25, 2009

    partayy (nah not really)

    I watched House of the Flying Daggers and American Beauty last night. American Beauty is such a wacked out film. I can't decide if i like it or not.

    This morning at 8 I took my dog out for a walk/run. She's pathetic and not a runner at all. I walked her for 20min and then went to the park to let her rest (Note HER and not me). Afterwards when i got up to head back she wouldn't even budge. She's a smart one. If she doesn't feel like walking or doesn't want me to keep pulling her away from other dogs she'd just flop down where she was. She flops in the middle of crossing a road and i have to pick her up to the other side of the road. Smartass dog.

    Wonderful. My mum is once again telling me the stories of how NYE and etc leads to girls getting pregnant. This was egged on by my sister's comment of "New years is the biggest day for cleaners" where she replied "New years is the biggest day for the Family Association cos kids come in to say they fell pregnant". We don't have normal conversations at home...that is when i do have conversations...rare though..


    Wednesday, December 23, 2009


    I am unamused.

    So there's this dinner i will be having that was arranged days ago. I've nothing against dinners. I like them, especially casual and fun ones. But what i really can't stand are the overly prepared, pretentious, and contrive ones. Well this dinner is one of those that i can't stand. From past experience, they create awkward situations. It's like a friggin game. Us, the diners, must live through days of preplanned dinner ideas. The continuous location changes, times, days. The more changes and talk there is about it, the more anxious we become. Okay, maybe i'm overly generalising. But i know I get anxious.

    I like spontaneous things, with no expectations and too little time to build up suspense. But what I'm really pissed off about is my fellow diner:

    1. they freak me out on the first night when they say they're going to dress up. Dressing up for a dinner in general is pretentious to me. I didn't know what to say so all i did in response was go LOL. Yes i LOL'd.

    2. I find out later that the particular restaurant is a 5star very sought out restaurant with ridiculous prices. So am i supposed to pay for this ridiculous meal? I certainly don't want you to pay for me cos that just gives the wrong idea. But I would've liked to have been given a warning for when my bank card rejects me.

    3. a day later the restaurant decision changes. We're going elsewhere now. Fantastic.

    4. I ask about the necessity to dress up and then they proceed to mock me for being gullible.
    WTH right?

    So from points 1 to 4, I am VERY unamused.

    Wednesday, December 16, 2009

    the wee mornings

    I can't say im back because god knows when's the next time im going to post again.

    In the last 2 days i have gone a tad OCD. A tad being that last night I stayed up til 7am cleaning and rearranging my room. It's still not done yet. Now its 4.30am and im still cleaning/rearranging. I have this whole grand plan laid out in my head you see. Im going to turn this whole teenage-hoarding-crap bedroom to a minimalistic-classy-simple bedroom.

    Things still yet to do:
    - Trash all my PRIMARY and HIGH SCHOOL crap.
    - Find a way to let go of all these childhood stuff. Ive already managed to give away my 20 odd Dolly magazines to my neighbour across the road :D
    - Trash unused makeup, jewellery, and clothes
    - Basically trash everything I havent used in the past 3 months.
    - Move my beige desk out and keep the mahogony one.
    - Rearrange my wardrobe, bed, desk, and vanity table. (A days job i imagine)
    - Buy new floorlength white curtains and white bedsheet set.
    - Maybe get a clock.


    In other news, I havent worked in the past.....7days and counting. I feel so poor. Its holiday season for highschoolers so i've got no work til Jan 3.

    Thursday, October 22, 2009

    3more weeks til i survived 1st year architecture

    My final presentation panels :)
    i wasnt very happy with the layout and there were things i didnt manage to do such as REDO MY GODDAMN ELEVATION. But considering my heart was pounding and my fingers were clicking on photoshop at 500clicks/minute at 6am, layout was alright...

    In the 3days that i had to redo this whole presentation, i spent 45hrs on it hahah

    Anyway it paid off cos my tutor said i'd improved alot since interim (which is a preliminary presentation 2weeks ago). HD would be a better praise though.
    (Scroll down to....2..3 posts ago and there are my interim presentation panels)
    Portfolio due in 1.5weeks. Time for frantic race no. 500 this year.

    Tuesday, October 20, 2009


    Last final presentation tomorrow.
    Trying to get the adrenaline going. Been at it for days. My archi classmates are practically my replacement family now. I see them more than i see anyone else.
    Far out. im tired. Rather pissed off at myself too cos i keep having to redo things due to my stupidity and lack of thinking whilst doing it. gah.

    Monday, October 12, 2009


    So today for our construction tutorial we had a little fun pop quiz amongst our groups. One question i got asked was "how much does a clay brick weigh?" From years of experience in weighing apples and watermelons in Coles, i used my peripheral senses and said "3kilos" and I got it right.

    Afterwards we had the funnest group activity we've done this semester. Each tutorial group had to find materials around the studio and design and create a life-sized structure.

    It was hilarious. People flipped white boards, hung chairs/tables, used T-squares/wooden frames, and lots of string.

    (1a) Lots of rolled up paper stuck on a paper frame and hung upside down
    (1b) paper rolls being hung

    (2) A really good use of a whiteboard flipped on its side so that it works as a swivel door. So clever hahah
    It's an entry to an entrance.
    And notice the random milkcrate hanging.

    (3) Definately the most impressive one. Chairs creating arches and stuck together by tape. So clever

    (4) "The Pirate ship" LOL. Grace's group and she's very proud of it.

    (5) My group. We came up with the arching chairs idea before we saw the other group. But they definately did it better cos this isn't an arch and they didnt break a table :D

    There is actually a string teepee spiralling down the centre, past the chairs but it doesnt turn up in photos cos the string's too thin.

    Oh btw, the table on the left closest to the windows is mine :)

    (5b) A zoom in on to the string teepee otherwise it doesnt come up on photos.

    If you're wondering if our studio's always this messy, yes it is hahah

    Thursday, October 8, 2009

    4more weeks and i can say i survived 1st year architecture

    Here's some images of my presentation that resulted to 5 whole days at uni during
    my mid-sem break while law students went to Goldcoast and partied.

    Each of these pages are A1 sized. I have totally lost my sense of value of money. This isn't even my final presentation and it was 70bucks. In the next 4weeks i know i need to fork out 350bucks for another 100 on presentation, 200 on portfolio, and 50 on model. Everytime i throw so much money away i think about all the starving children in Africa and it kills me a little inside.
    It's somewhat ironic. As architects, we're all so concerned about designs being sustainable and ecological. Then you take a look at how much paper and materials we use and throw away and you realise, designing something sustainable is probably an architects way of clearing their conscience.

    ANYWAY, I hand drew all the drawings and scanned them in then photoshopped.
    That axonometric drawing in the first page (the one with the red), that took me a total of 12 hours literally. It's my pride and joy and centre piece LOL

    Look at my sperm whale in my tank below hahaha. Thats how i make architecture fun. Put whales in fish tanks and point it out to everyone
    And here's my model. It's definately not one of my finest work but my tutor seems to really like it so meh. All the blue parts you see, i did some resin casting and put in bits of blue pigments. It's messy stuff.
    It's actually a really really flimsy model. Some pighead lifted it up while i was out for lunch and i came back to a distorted model with broken ramps and a piece of
    it that was supposed to be sitting on the bottom inside of the building, on TOP of my roof. Whoever managed to do all that without completely devastating the model is quite impressive.